Saturday, February 16, 2008

#6 A little piece of home

Diwali, the Festival of lights, celebrates the home coming of a legendary and mythological king after fourteen years of exile. Lamps are lit and fire crackers are burst symbolizing victory of good over evil.
SAICA- Students for Asian-Indian Cultural Awareness celebrated Diwali on Campus by hosting ‘Bhojana’ the years’ first ‘experience India’ event. The event was held at the Student Centre ball room. We spent the evening before setting up and decorating the venue with traditional Indian motifs to add to the essence of the festival.
The Organizers had taken great interest to ensure that there was good Indian music and traditional cuisine that helped set the mood for some energetic Indian dance moves.
My classmates had the opportunity to taste various types of Kebabs and Bread that go inherently with the festivals of India. It was so much fun teaching my American and other international friends some of our dance moves.
We were all dressed in bright and glittering attire generally worn at festivals. Time just flew by as we enjoyed the mouth watering cuisine and danced through the night.
It was my first semester at TCU, not to mention my first time away from home and Bhojana helped me get over my homesickness

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