Saturday, February 16, 2008

#6 The Bucket List - "I laughed, I cried, I lost five pounds"

This weekend, I saw one of my new all-time favorite movies, The Bucket List. The movie was about Jack Nicholson, a wealthy hospital owner who cannot be close with other people because he is such a jerk in most situations, and Morgan Freeman who plays an auto mechanic that has many loving family members and is extremely knowledgeable. Early in the movie, both find out that they have a terminal illness and have very short to live, they meet up as Nicholson comically becomes the victim of his own "two patients to a room, no exceptions" rule. Freeman writes a "bucket list" which Nicholson discovers and the two men embark on a journey that leads to the discovery of the true joys in life and the unbreakable bond of friendship. The movie had hilarious parts and extremely sad parts, but overall was very entertaining and enjoyable.

The movie held particular sentimental value to me because these are two of my favorite all-time actors and they are both old (both are 70 years old right now, and in a few months both will be 71)... so having them in a movie with the subject of knowing that death could be down the corner was very interesting.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

If you haven't already, try SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE (Nancy Meyers, 2003). And it's also quite self-referential since, essentially, Nicholson is playing himself. :o)