Saturday, February 16, 2008

#6 I've Made a Huge Mistake

“COME ON!!” This is officially the most commonly used phrase in the Milton Daniel room of 356 for just about anything, good or bad. If you do not recognize this line already I will give you a hint, it is from a highly under watched yet hilarious television show that was for whatever reason only on air for 3 seasons. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT is the name of the show and as far as sitcoms go that really accomplish nothing other than make you laugh it is certainly one of my favorites. Anyone who has watched this show will undoubtedly agree, it may be mildly offensive, extremely random, but most importantly is it certainly hysterical.
Making a list of all the reasons why the show is as funny as it is would take much more time and space than I have but you have my word this is a show worth watching. It has some of the most unique, bizarre, and absolutely exaggerated characters that will rival any other sitcom. What adds on to that is the situations that they are consistently thrown into on a daily basis from driving an airport stair car before upgrading to a truck with a log cabin on the back, or having a family member have one of his hands gnawed of by a stray seal.
Watching these three seasons will change your life! OK that was probably an exaggeration but this is certainly a show worth giving a shot if you are in the mood to laugh and or simply be confused as to how someone can come up with some of the things this series does.

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