Saturday, February 16, 2008

#6 Gonna Get Down

Sunday nights are always filled with dread. Dread of the long week that seems to lie ahead, dread of the tests coming up, and dread of the thought that another weekend is already over. The one thing that always gets me through the week is the hope of something exciting happening. This week, I'm just trying to make it to Thursday. After my morning nursing test is over with, I'll be getting ready for the Funky Town Get Down. My brother sets up venues around Fort Worth for TCU students, and this time he has gotten five rappers to perform. Three of these rappers are my favorite new artists, so I'm ready to "do the boot" with Teflon. A lot of my friends will be going, so it'll be fun to know everyone and to have something for kids to do on a Thursday. Not only will Teflon be there but, Lil Will who sings "My Dougie" will perform which makes me ready for this week to go by very quickly. I am actually selling tickets this week for ten dollars, so if you want to go out, let me know and I can save a ticket for you and a friend. :)


Shana said...

I chose to respond to this blog because this is my week exactly. I am also a nursing major, who has gone through much extensive studying to prepare for Thursday's test. Since Sunday, I too have been dreading all the studying I had to do this week for my various classes, and now that the test is tomorrow, I am in crunch mode. Unfortunately, I work until 10:30 tonight, so it looks like it will be a long night complete with an 8 am tomorrow morning. At least after the test tomorrow, I can look forward to going out to Funky Town get down, too! It will be a much anticipated stress reliever for the week! I cannot wait to finally have a good time this week. See you there!

shelbi89 said...

i chose to respond to this post because this is exactly how i feel right now. i was just in my friends room watching t.v and putting off my studying and homework when we all started complaining about the coming week. We discussed upcoming tests, long reading assignments, and how much we hate monday. We are all participating in Sig Ep's philanthropy 1901 and have practices all week and events for it. Last week we had Funkytown Get Down to look forward to and be excited about but this week is going to be pretty busy with 1901. We thought we might make it out Tuesday to go to the Aardvark but we might be to busy for that too. After reading this I am trying to look forward to things happening this week and go into it with a positive outlook. thanks kenzie =) funkytown get down was so much fun!