Saturday, February 16, 2008

# 6 Feel Bad

I have never hated my classes even though it is hard and I couldn’t get good grade. From last week, I hated one of class because of professor’s attitude. I took test and I made really bad score. I didn’t know what makes my grade so low so I decide to see my professor to see what was wrong and ask him some advice. I made appointment to meet him and I went there but he was not there but my test. One of officers said that I need to check by myself. I wanted to see my professor so that I could ask any questions, but he came and when he saw me he just said that checked my test and he left. After I studied for 30 minutes, I had question for my test so I went to his office. When I get there, he was eating so he said I had to wait for him if I had question. So I waited and he came out and when I asked one question, he just told me what was answer without explaining and he banged door right in front of me even though I was saying I was sorry for interrupting his meal. But I am sure it was not my fault because I made appointment and he just cancelled without saying anything to me. I think if student respect professor, professor should respect students even though they are young and not good at English.


Kelli Marshall said...

You're last statement is absolutely right, Jenny: if students respect professors, then professors should respect their students...

AMJ said...

WOW! I do feel really bad that happened to you! I picked yours because I was interested to see what happened. I went through a totally similar situation last week with a professor of mine. The teacher made me feel humiliated in front of the whole class and was so rude to me. You sound like a student who cares about your grades and tries hard. I am the same way, but this certain teacher does not care. If you don't do well on a test, there is always another one. But you at least want to know what you did wrong. Sometimes it is totally frustrating when you can't do anything about the teacher. I wish all teachers made you learn, and were polite and wanted for you to get the best out of it!

Taylor said...

I picked this topic not really knowing what to expect by the title but that is a very interesting thing that happened...

I have only had this type of thing happen to me once and it was because I just showed up during my professor's office hours (he preferred that we e-mail or call before hand to set up an appointment, which I did not do) but I still was extremely mad at how much of a jerk he was so I could only imagine how you feel..

I would e-mail the professor what happened because maybe he didn't realize that you needed help and sometimes they are in such a rush in person that you can catch their attention easier if you have them sitting down during a time they probably set up to devote to checking emails opposed to office hours which can usually be packed with students or serve as meal time (like this one).

Kelli Marshall said...

Taylor--sorry, but this one is considered late, okay.