Saturday, February 16, 2008

#6 The Kingdom

This past Thursday night, I watched THE KINGDOM with a few of my friends. I like action films with intricate plots so I thought I would give this one a try. This first thing I noticed about this movie was the number of political undertones that surrounded the United States and the Middle East. For those of you that are familiar with this movie, you know just as well as I do that this movie almost seems to encourage hatred to the other sides of the spectrum. At the end of the movie, the Muslim extremists and Americans are both caught saying, “we will kill them all”, referring to each other. For those of you that aren’t familiar with this movie, it has several different scenes of car bombings and terrorism which led me to the realization that, yes, this is all actually happening in Iraq and Afghanistan today and it seems like this hatred will continue until the end of time. The events that take place in this movie are real and terrifying. I recommend that everyone see this movie because it is entertaining, as a movie should be, but serious about terrorism and the Middle East at the same time. 

1 comment:

akshaya said...

When I saw the title “Kingdom”, I wondered if it referred to the movie. As I read on I realized I was right. This movie is one of my favorites; it captures the reactions of all people affected by acts of terrorism - the attacker and the attacked.
The author explains to us how the movie seems to ‘encourage hatred’ when both the Americans and the Muslim extremists express the same sentiment – ‘we will kill them all’ on the one hand, but I think it also shows the amity between the Saudis and the Americans when they collaborate to face the common threat.
The director incorporates a little humor throughout the movie to counter the very serious vein of ‘terrorism’ a very real threat in today’s world.
I agree it’s a movie worth watching and recommend that everyone go and see it.