I’m only in my second semester of college and I think I have officially taken my worst class ever. Maybe I should be a bit more optimistic but it’s the sixth week of school and I haven’t had a life changing experience in this course yet. I discern that many of you are wondering what course could be this bad? Introduction to Sociology with Dr. Moody Woody (used to protect the innocent.)
The course is very monotonous, dreadful, and protracted. I sit in the class two days a week for the longest 80 minutes, hoping these feeling will change. However, I leave and return with this unchanged feeling each time. Then there’s Dr. Woody, one of those people you just can’t read. The type you’ll never understand. He talks and talks the entire lecture, but at the end he has said a bunch of nothing. No offense I want to like the guy but he’s just not doing it for me, neither is his painful class.
This week I believe my feelings towards this class became unwavering with our first exam. The test was 75 questions (the length of a final) and just very difficult. He asked the same question in numerous ways, deliberately to confuse the human mind. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure some of the information asked was not applicable. I studied, read, took notes and believe it is impossible for me to miss 65% of the information. The moral of the story is don’t take Sociology with Dr. Woody you’ll be writing a Blog similar to this someday.
The course is very monotonous, dreadful, and protracted. I sit in the class two days a week for the longest 80 minutes, hoping these feeling will change. However, I leave and return with this unchanged feeling each time. Then there’s Dr. Woody, one of those people you just can’t read. The type you’ll never understand. He talks and talks the entire lecture, but at the end he has said a bunch of nothing. No offense I want to like the guy but he’s just not doing it for me, neither is his painful class.
This week I believe my feelings towards this class became unwavering with our first exam. The test was 75 questions (the length of a final) and just very difficult. He asked the same question in numerous ways, deliberately to confuse the human mind. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure some of the information asked was not applicable. I studied, read, took notes and believe it is impossible for me to miss 65% of the information. The moral of the story is don’t take Sociology with Dr. Woody you’ll be writing a Blog similar to this someday.
1 comment:
I agree with your lecture about teachers lecturing. Last semester, I failed to use the rateyourprofessors.com, and I suffered from that mistake miserably. Rateyourprofessors.com is a website that you can log onto and look at what previous TCU students have commented about their previous professors; the website ranks the professors (5 being the best) by how hard, easy, helpful, or boring the professors around the TCU campus are. Since i failed to use this feature, I was stuck with a few professors with monotoned voices that talked the whole time and expected you to not fall asleep at 10 in the morning, while taking notes as they were spitting out important infortmation a sentnece per second. Some of the classes were miserable. When I found out about the ratemyprofessors.com website I immediately logged on and looked at what previous students had said about my current professors. I was right, I ended up with two or three of the hardest and most boring professors on campus.
I think professors should have to go through a series of "boredom tests" to see if their voice and their teaching style will lull students to sleep, and if they fail it they cannot teach in college. But since that doesn't seem to be the case, I would advise for students to look to ratemyprofessors.com in the future.
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