Thursday, April 24, 2008

# 14 Thinking outside the english box

Blogging weekly about a sitcom isn’t what normal English comp students get to do. Not only was it something new and exciting, I learned a lot from them. The argumentative writing style makes the most sense to me while writing a paper compared to how high school teachers taught. The argumentative style makes the reader either agree, disagree or both; which I like because it allows them to have an exciting opinion about the topic. After explaining both sides in the thesis backing it up with examples made a lot sense. Before writing what I thought about the topic, I used to include useless information that wasn’t needed. After writing several blogs it has really helped condense my writing having the 250 word maximum. As it goes for an English class this is the most exciting one I have been in! Watching Seinfeld in and outside of class really made me realize that there is more to it than just the humor. Studying Seinfeld, I learned about all the little quirks in the show as well as, culture, race, sex and more. Now by being an avid Seinfeld watcher, I see all the hidden stuff that newcomers wouldn’t. Not only did I learn about sitcoms, I learned how to write in a new way that actually makes the reader excited!

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