Tuesday, April 22, 2008

# 14 The End

I am huge fan of SEINFELD and was overjoyed at the outset of this course to study my favorite sitcom. However, little did I know that this landmark sitcom was much deeper than I originally thought. I have seen every episode, most of them more than once. I appreciated the clever humor and witty characters but it wasn’t until this class did I learn that there were several undertones in all of the jokes. For example, I would have never noted the connection between pizza and abortion in “The Couch” (November 27, 2002). Although SEINFELD doesn’t necessarily take a stand on any particular issues over the course of it’s airing, it grazed over nearly every political or social issue known to man. This blog has proved to be a help not only to my understanding of SEINFELD but also to my writing abilities. I have more confidence when I write and now tend to aim straight for the point instead of beating around the bush. It also helps that I was writing about a subject that I enjoy. There may have been sometimes in the class when I wanted to scream out “serenity now” but I learned a lot about writing and analyzing television shows. 

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