Friday, April 25, 2008

# 14 Helpful Blog

When I heard that we were going to learn about the Seinfeld I was really afraid. I had never watched any American sitcoms before, because sitcoms are too hard to understand. After the first day of the class, I asked to Dr. Marshall that class would be too hard to me who didn’t have any knowledge of American sitcoms. And she encouraged me to take the class. The beginning of the class was too hard to understand sitcoms which screened in the class. After I read books and took the lecture, I could understand better about the sitcoms and also American cultures. As I was learning more, I could be more interested in sitcoms. Not only the Seinfeld but also recent sitcoms, Sex and the City and The Office, are interesting to watch. And blogs were the most difficult one for me. Usually other students had a lot of things to say but not me. Also I was embarrassed that others could read my writing. And I had to count the words to write the over 200 words because I am still lack of writing ability. However blogs helped me to express what I am thinking about what we learn. I think I made good choice to take this class so I could learn better American culture in the sitcomes.

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