Wednesday, April 23, 2008

#14 With Twenty Words to Spare

If there is anything that I have taken away from the blogs, it would most certainly be my ability to tighten my writing when necessary. In the past for just about all writing assignments I attempted I relied solely on my ability to say the same thing multiple times but in different ways in an attempt to take up space (I cannot say this technique has worked well for me). However, up until now I never really saw how much more effective writing can be when you simply cut out all irrelevant information and dive straight into the argument. I spent way too much time focusing on how pretty I made things sound and not nearly enough on what I was actually saying and whether or not my point was clear.
At the beginning when I worked on all my blogs I felt extremely restrained with the 250 word limit because I simply could not say what I wanted to before I was out of space. Although after reading many of my classmates blogs and some exerts from out texts it became much clearer as to how to accomplish a short but meaningful paper. By simply stating how you feel at the beginning and supporting that argument with meaningful examples the point is made without any extra nonsense to distract the reader from what you are really talking about.

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