Thursday, April 24, 2008

#14 Babbling Blogs

After my weeks spent studying SEINFELD and posting on blogs, I feel that I have greatly improved in all of the three main goals for posting on the SEINFELD blog. However, I would have to say that I have improved the most and learned the most from critically thinking and analyzing SEINFELD.

I've always enjoyed SEINFELD and have found it very humorous, but have never really dug into the sitcom and looked deeper into the shows themes and ideas. For example, the essay in "Master of its Domain" about "Parenting in SEINFELD" and its ideas about the four main characters portraying adults still in adolescence. I never really saw this side of SEINFELD until we talked about it in class and reinforced it when responding to blog topics. Furthermore, I have obtained a better understanding of the characters in SEINFELD due to spending multiple weeks on analyzing characteristics and behaviors of each character (specifically George, which I further learned about while writing my Essay 1).

I believe the blogs have helped me further understand and appreciate the genius behind Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld's writing through letting me express my ideas that I have found when analyzing SEINFELD by responding to certain topics dealing with different important aspects of SEINFELD. I will forever look differently at SEINFELD -- in a more critical, but very enjoyable way.

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