Wednesday, April 23, 2008

#14: Believe in yourself

Throughout this semester, i've noticed my writing skills take a new form, a slight development from my early years. This blog has been a huge factor in enabling me to think critically on a certain topic always remembering to provide evidence in support of your argument.

While I've learnt a lot from posting these blogs on a weekly basis, out of the three points i would say tightening writing skills has been one aspect of my writing skills that could use some work on. I would address this problem as a cultural issue, since growing up and being educated within the british curriculum back in my secondary school (high school) we were always taught the importance of writing critically whilst providing sufficient evidence, and at the same time to bring to light all the valid points and to discuss them efficiently in as many as 3-4 pages in a time frame of one hour. Not within a word count as that would pose too many restrictions on writing an argument from a personalized viewpoint. However depending on what the homework is as I've discovered, there's always a way of writing an argumentative essay in as little as 3-4 pages or 250 words. This class however has enabled me to experience the American way of composing an essay, and even though it's a little tough to adapt, the constant discipline is always good to tighten and limit the word usage.

Hopefully throughout the rest of my years at TCU I will be able to adjust and write as tightly as possible whilst maintaing a coherent and substantial blog/essay backed up by plenty of evidence. By the way how many words does ths blog consist of?

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