Thursday, April 24, 2008

#14 Whats The Deal With Blogs...

I have been a fan of Seinfeld since midway through the original airing and continued watching the occasional episode well after the series had ended. For all these years I had been an just an average Joe who enjoyed the series. There was no real thinking or analyzing of it’s content, it was a good show and it made me laugh that was enough. On the first day of class when I saw that we would be looking critically at Seinfeld and learning about argumentative writing I was fairly skeptical because to me it was just a show. After viewing a few episodes that week at home I realized that Seinfeld wasn’t just a sitcom it is a window into American culture. This realization was further compounded after doing the blogs.
With the blogs, not only was I forced to think critically about Seinfeld, but I had to learn to focus my writing to fully address the topic in a limited number of words. I, like many students, tend to ramble and drift from topic. Having to rework blog entries a few times to effectively address an issue in a limited amount of words has helped all of my writing. By practicing the writing techniques taught in class in the blogs we are able to polish the skills needed to be a good writer and hopefully present ourselves as more educated people in all our work.

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