Thursday, April 24, 2008

Blabbing on Blogs

I did not really realize the purpose of the weekly blogs until i was reading what this blog was supposed to be about. Now I understand and can see why we did these. It really did help me look at Seinfeld and other sitcoms in ways that I never did before. Before this class I looked at t.v shows in entirely entertainment purposes, but now when I watch t.v I look deeper into what it is about and what things mean. I also learned how to improve my argumentative writing skills. Before this class I had trouble putting my thoughts and arguments into words, but now I can write what I mean and logically organize it. I am also doing a lot better about not rambling and saying pointless things in my papers. I can say what I want to say and be done with it. Overall, the blogs have really helped my writing without me even realizing it. 

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