Thursday, April 24, 2008

#14 Blah Blah Blogs

Throughout this semester, the process of writing blogs has helped me to better my writing style with regard to analyzing social behaviors. This includes within Seinfeld, and just general popular culture. I had watched Seinfeld a little before taking this class, but after this semester I feel that I can truly understand and appreciate this epic sitcom. From understanding each of the main characters to seeing the underlying themes and ideals, I can now watch one of the many syndicated episodes and really appreciate the plots.
I think the biggest thing that I have improved on is recognizing the commentary on certain subjects. For instance in "The Couch," (October 27, 1994) not too long ago I wouldn't understand the irony and meaning to when Kramer (Michael Richards) and Poppie (Reni Santoni) are arguing about when a pie becomes a pizza. This was no doubt a joke involving the two sides of abortion, but it is also funny enough by itself that some might not pick up on it.
I am very happy that I took this class, because it wasn't just a conventional english composition. All of the issues and topics that we covered were interesting and applicable enough that it was a fun class to attend. There is one thing however that I really wish I got out of this class; HOW TO REMEMBER TO DO MY BLOGS!

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