Friday, April 25, 2008

#14 Go Blog, Go

I found the online blog portion of this class to be the most difficult thing for me to keep up with. I would often forget to post one, or I would remember very last minute and then my content and writing would suffer. I did not particularly enjoy the blog, but that really was not the point. Despite the fact that I would often space it out, I think I met two of the three goals listed. Blogging did help me practice the argumentative writing style, especially when Dr. Marshall would respond to my post and ask me to elaborate or explain my thinking. It also made me think about SEINFELD in a whole new way and look at it in a more critical and analytical fashion. I never would have noticed all the little tick-tacky Jewish references SEINFELD made, or the political, racial, and sexual stands it takes. I don't know that the blog helped me to tighten my writing, as I sometimes found it hard to make my pieces long enough. Having to think critically and then write about it is not an easy task for me.

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