Thursday, February 7, 2008

#5 A Medley of Fun

After watching these clips, it is apparent that SEINFLED is suggesting that sex, food, and television drive society and modern culture. This sitcom is playfully stabbing at the truth of American culture, that nearly everyone is gluttonous and selfish. Nearly every American spends a decent portion of their day in front of the television and we’re all over weight because we stuff our faces while we’re in front of the tube. Anyone can eat and watch TV without a problem but George seeks to add sex into the equation one big medley of entertainment. At the end of “The Blood”, George is with a woman who just pulled a batch of pastrami, the most sensual of meats, and she, like George, has this desire to have sex, stuff her face, and watch television at the same time. To me, SEINFLED seems to be subtly suggesting that everyone has this hidden desire to combine these pleasures just as George did at the end of this particular episode. This humorous approach to these three subjects causes us to laugh because with some people this may be true! However, hopefully the majority of America is not like George Costanza. 

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Great, Michael. I appreciate the early posting! I also hope "the majority of America is not like George Costanza." Yikes! For next time: remember that commas and periods almost always go INSIDE quotation marks. Thanks!