Saturday, February 9, 2008

#5: Would you like some sex with those fries?

These two clips from SEINFELD's "The Blood" simplify the over-eager infatuation that Americans have with the trifecta that is food, sex and television. While these clips in no way show a long time period, they do highlight how in our society most of our time is spent doing (or thinking about) one or many of the three items in the trifecta, and is giving a comic example of what it would be like if we ever combined all three (as we combine two of the three on many occasions). If seeing George struggle in his juggling of the three wasn't funny enough, his mate steps in to make sure he knows of her presence (which he does, but it's very seldom).

In addition, George becomes de synthesized to having all three emotions present at once, which adds to the comedy when he is eating in the diner and is moaning as if he is feeling sexual pleasure.

This episode also makes a statement about how we are becoming de synthesized because the pleasure from an emotion such as sex that should be special and rare is being compared to the pleasure that you are given when you eat or watch t.v.

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