Saturday, February 9, 2008

Having the cake and eating it too

The episode, "The Blood", could be considered the epitome of Seinfeld. The reason this sitcom stands apart from all others is that it takes the daily minutiae of everyday life and throws it in the face of viewers. Food, sex, and television are the most basic pleasures in a day to day routine as well as the most selfish yet we relate so eaily to this sitcom we cannot realize the extent of our greed.
Most people have certain preferences about each of these; what food one likes, what channel they want to watch, and the appearance of a sexual partner. For example in "The Chinese Restaurant", Elaine is starving and Jerry comments, "I offered you those cookies in my apartment" and she replies that they tasted of cardboard. Various examples come from coversations between Jerry and George discussing 'The Move' and womens' reactions to it. Lastly, in "The Haircut", the Hairdresser's enjoy the movie, "Edward Scissor Hands".

When George attempts the "tri-fecta" of pleasures, the plan backfires and his girlfriend is irate because of his greed. Humans continuously try to find ways to have our cake and eat it too while sending e-mails on our i-phones.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Would you please revise and place the appropriate blog number (#5: Catchy Title) before your title? This way, the blogs will be easy to find when you're sifting through all them at the end of the semester. Thanks.