IN most episodes of Seinfeld, there is an abundance of food and food products. As Americans, we encourage eating, to the point where we are one of the fattest countries in the world. Our ever increasing waistlines are of course, subtle plot elements as many foods are featured in the episodes throughout the 9 season run.
Throughout Seinfeld's long run, there were a lot of candy products used as plot points. Junior Mints, Twix, Jujyfruits, Snickers, Nestle Chunk, and PEZ were monumental in several of Seinfeld's episodes.
In Jerry's apartment, he is obsessed with breakfast cereal. He has a plethora of various cereal boxes in his apartment, snacking on them at all times of the day. In "The Invitations," Jerry meets a girl who is "his soul-mate," who also snacks on cereal at random times of the day. The series finale shows Jerry's mother packing a suitcase full with cereal, as this is his very favorite food.
1 comment:
Would you please revise and place the appropriate blog number (#5: Catchy Title) before your title? This way, the blogs will be easy to find when you're sifting through all them at the end of the semester. Thanks.
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