Saturday, February 9, 2008

#5 Two of the most pleasurable things in life

Sex and Food, sounds like every guys fantasy, just through in a game of football and it sounds like a guys whole life. Which means mixing the three at the same time is gluttony. They are three seperate pleasures that should be enjoyed seperately, or there might be problems. Like in the episode "The Blood" in the first clip, George thinks that the sex will be better with his girlfriend or would be more interesting if he does his two other favorite things, eat and watch TV; which leads to make his girlfriend mad and leads to their break up. Which further shows that each pleasure should be enjoyed seperately.
In the second clip shown of the episode "The Blood", Jerry is disgusted in the way George is enjoying his sandwhich in the way someone would enjoy sex. Jerry implies that if you mix the two or three pleasures together, they will mend together and create a habit which could switch the reactions; which is what happened to George in the Restaurant. To be on the safe side, keep your three pleasures seperate and enjoy them seperately.

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