Saturday, February 9, 2008

#5 The Greedy American World

It seems like in today's society, nobody ever has enough. Whether it comes to food, sex, or television time you always want more. So, naturally, a man would come up with the idea of combining the best of all his worlds. George, in "The Blood", tries to do what nobody has tried before by eating a sandwich and watching television while in bed with a woman. Of course, he gets caught. SEINFELD is showing that America will always want more and can never be satisfied with what they have. I believe even if George got away with his "Trifecta" it wouldn't be enough for him. What would he need to satisfy him-a toy car to look at? Especially with George's over-the-top personality, there is nothing that can be done for him to sit back, relax, and enjoy what he has in front of him.
In the second clip of "The Blood", he has mixed his feelings up and is turned on by the roast beef sandwich in front of him. I believe SEINFELD is also making a point of karma- if you try to selfishly get everything you want, it will come back and kick you in the back. George now has to suffer from his greedy decision by getting flushed every time he eats, which I don't feel sorry for him in the least bit!

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