Saturday, February 9, 2008

#5 What Guys Want

If there was a poll taken to discover what the 3 things that guys enjoy doing the most, I’m sure eating, watching television, and having sex would be at the top of the list. In the first clip of the SEINFELD episode “The Blood,” George finds himself attempting to combine food, television, and sex into one activity at the same time. For the everyday SEINFELD viewer, this scene is just another belligerent, off-the-wall move that is expected from George. However, from an analytical perspective, there is a bigger picture to be seen that the show is trying to convey to the audience. SEINFELD is making fun of society’s stereotype of guys by combing all 3 elements. George doesn’t care about the girl next to him in bed; he is only focused on fulfilling his own wants and needs that supposedly all guys must have.
In the second clip from “The Blood,” SEINFELD continues the joke by showing George lustfully eating his food as Jerry looks on in disgust. George is now sexually turned on by his own food and has gone to the extreme of connecting the idea of sex with food. Jerry even compares George to a horny Roman emperor while he is eating to give the audience a comical reference to compare to George. As society watches this episode, not only are we laughing at the amusing actions of George in the show, but also the stereotype of the typical guy in reality.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Since we're stereotyping men, I'm guessing that "sports" should be in there too, right? :o) Good posting, Eric. Thanks.