Saturday, February 9, 2008


The episode "The Blood," is an over exaggerated example how food, sex and TV are skewed in the American society today. In this episode, George attempts to combine his three loves in life into one. While doing this comical juggling act the writers are trying to portray a deeper, more serious meaning. I feel that the writers are commenting on American society and how they take meaning out of important parts of life. They do this by relating sex and eating, to meaningful actions, by relating it back to something you would do everyday, like watching TV. The purpose of eating is obviously to get the right amount of nutrients and energy. In America it is used for pleasure and over indulging, and who better to show it than your model American overeater, George Costanza. Much alike to overindulging in food, many Americans will also overindulge in sex. When people start to overindulge in these activities, it takes the meaning out of them and turns into a purposeless part of everyday life, like watching TV.


Kelli Marshall said...

Nice posting, AMJ. I'm a bit unclear, however, as to what this means: "They do this by relating sex and eating, to meaningful actions, by relating it back to something you would do everyday, like watching TV." Could you clarify? Or maybe there's just a typo?

AMJ said...

oops! I meant to say "They do this by comparing sex and eating- two meaningful actions, to the importance in TV."