Saturday, February 9, 2008

#5: Food for thought

The clippings from the episode ‘The Blood’ in the sitcom Seinfeld suggest the paradigm shift of the conventional dominant theory of the five classical elements of life – ‘earth, wind, fire, water and non matter’ to the ‘trifecta’ of present day life - ‘Food, sex and TV’.

George attempts to ‘complement’ his love making with a sandwich and his portable TV and even compares the spiciness of the mustard to the intensity of his lover. He realizes the danger of combining food with sex when he draws an analogy to his behavior as flying “too close to the sun on wings of pastrami."

Jerry is aghast at this attempt to ‘combine food and sex into one disgusting uncontrollable urge’ raising a morality issue even though the characters of George, Jerry and Elaine seem morally indifferent.

This episode makes me think of the philosophy of life. There is no single definition of philosophy. It is dynamic and changes with the times. The ‘trifecta’ of present day life as implied in ‘The Blood’ - Is this the philosophy of modern times?

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Would you please revise and place the appropriate blog number (#5: Catchy Title) before your title? This way, the blogs will be easy to find when you're sifting through all them at the end of the semester. Thanks.