Saturday, February 9, 2008

#5 Glutiny Is A Sin

In the episode "The Blood" I see Seinfeld suggesting that there are certain things that need to be respected and not belittled by mixing them with monotonous tasks. To me they have made a judgment that if you don't have a certain amount of respect for an act such as sex then perhaps you don't deserve to have it. In essence George gets into trouble because he gets to greedy when he should be counting his blessings he's in the situation in the first place!

There is another thought that comes to mind watching this episode, what social commentary is presented? Seinfeld seems to be saying that we as a culture are over indulging and that if we continue we are bound to regret it, just as George did. I think this is portrayed very clearly in Jerry’s reference to George as “Caligula”, a Roman Emperor known for his veraciously deviant sexual appetite who was assassinated by his own body guards in response to his behavior. If the American situation is truly that dire we are in for some very bad times.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Try spellchecking the first word of your title, okay. Thanks. :o)