Saturday, February 9, 2008

combining food, sex, and t.v. for a plethora of pleasure

I'm fairly sure that George is one of the few people in the world who would bring a sandwich and mini t.v. into bed when with a woman. Seinfeld clearly does this for comedic purposes, but is not to far from the truth. In America we have become a society that strives to combine our favorite things. We now have a combination of cell phones/cameras/video cameras/ and computers. You can see a movie while having dinner. So why not eat a sandwich while watching t.v. in bed with a woman?
It seems like a perfectly acceptable thing to combine the things that bring you the most pleasure because you would think that together they would bring you the most joy and pleasure possible. We see George in the diner after his encounter in the bedroom and he is blushing while he eats his sandwich then sees Jerry's fries and wants those too. This does not seem likely in real life, but the concept of getting some kind of joy or excitement from something random is fairly understandable. We sometimes tie fond memories to completely obscure or random things so Seinfeld took this and made it humorous.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Would you please add ASAP an attention-grabbing title preceded by #5?