Thursday, February 7, 2008

#5 The Casual Dress of Sex

Something that has been greatly deteriorated by the media in recent generations is sex. Many people today believe that sex is just something for pleasure, and it is nothing special or out of the ordinary. I’ve always believed that sex is something shared between two people in love who are bound under marriage. However, it is no mystery on why many people have such casual views on sex. Many sitcoms, such as SEINFELD, joke about sex and even portray it as something that can be multi-tasked, as seen in “The Blood.”

George states that he was simply just trying to pleasure the woman in “The Blood.” I have been raised with the morals that sex should be an emotional connection, not just something where you try to pleasure your partner. I have been on the phone with someone when they were multi-tasking on the other line, and this made me feel unimportant because they didn’t really care about what I was saying. I can only imagine how useless that woman must have felt when she realized that George was trying to eat, watch television, and have sex with her at the same time. Our society finds comic relief in watching episodes such as “The Blood.” George makes a fool out of himself, and the audience finds humor in the fact that George believes food and television to be just as important as sex. Furthermore, I hope that our society can remember that the ideas portrayed on sitcoms are not always morally correct.


Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks for the early posting, Catherine. I appreciate it. Do you think, however, that through "the Blood," SEINFELD is possibly stating exactly what you are: that sex "has been greatly deteriorated by the media"?

elisesctcu said...

After watching the two clips from "The Blood" it showed me not only again how insensitive George's character is, but how sex is treated as a not-as-important thing to do. I would have to agree that the media has made an impact on sex, deteriorating and making it seem to be something casual. SEINFELD, WILL&GRACE, and SCRUBS all have had scenes where sex played as a humorous part in the show, because "it's not a big deal." In SEINFELD, the combination of sex, food and television is yes humorous, but morally wrong. With that we can only hope that the audience can find a laugh with this show and many others, but to remember what is truly right and wrong.

Catherine said...

Yes, I definitely agree that the scenes about sex in "The Blood" could be stating that sex has been deteriorated through the media. The episode is showing that people can think of sex as something casual and ordinary such as watching television and eating. It still is morally incorrect because anything shown in the media can influence people in the wrong ways.