Saturday, April 19, 2008

#13 This IS The End

The last episode of Seinfeld, "The Finale" (May 14, 1998), created much controversy for the way it ended and left the audience. Some felt that the episode did not fulfill the expectations, or end with a bang to make it memorable. With the four characters, Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer, placed in the jail cell some viewers were left to wonder "is this it?" However, for those who study in the art of Seinfeld, and are knowledgeable of its aspects found this episode to be the perfect way to end the sitcom. With the reunion of past characters, such as the Soup Nazi and past incidents, such as the button conversation it brought back the humor and memories that Seinfeld first gave to the audience. But not only do we reunite with old characters, we see each characteristics of each one brought out and summed up in the last episode. Even when put into jail we can see that they all do a 360 and remain the same even in the end. Of course, if some did not view certain episodes it is reasonable for them to be feel confused with the jokes, which is why this may have been considered as a failure. In the end, I find that Seinfeld stayed true to its "no hugging, no learning" rule by leaving the way it did, leaving us with nothing.

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