Saturday, April 19, 2008

# 13 Childish cannot be forever

“The Finale” was the unique episode as compare with rest of Seinfeld episodes. They landed on the way to go Paris and they violated a Good Samaritan law with not helping the person who got a carjacking in front of them. It was as same as before that they are doing unmoral behaviors which are not usual in the real life. In previous episodes, these behaviors are not big deal and didn’t involve any trouble but not in “The Finale.” They got caught and they stood in the trial. Many people showed up in the trial to prove that four character’s unmoral behaviors. At the end the four characters end up in the jail. I think that the reason the Seinfeld was popular was that most thing on the show was unusual and not real life. Four characters usually think differently than others and they don’t much care about the life. For examples, for George, he doesn’t much think about his fiancé’s dead because of cheapness. For Kramer, he could live well even though he doesn’t have job. Also they had weird competition like who can stay away from masturbation longer. However in “The Finale,” they faced the really big trouble in the trial. Their childish behaviors cannot help to get out of the jail. Probably audiences wanted to forget about their real life as they are watching the Seinfeld that’s why “The Finale” could make them let-down which four characters faced the reality at the end in the jail.

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