Saturday, April 19, 2008

#13 So Long To Seinfeld

"The Finale" was not the episode I expected SEINFELD to go off the air with. In some ways I was disappointed because it didn't seem like the daily minutiae the show is usually about. Going to jail is not something most people would consider minutiae. I also did not like that it didn't take place in the typical SEINFELD setting of Jerry's (Jerry Seinfeld) apartment or Monk's cafe. The whole episode was not what us viewers were used to or expected to see in the series finale. 

Despite the things I did not like, I thought the episode became a success because it upheld the main value of the show- "No hugging, no learning". Jerry and George (Jason Alexander) pretended like they were going to go into full embrace when at the last second they pull away to preserve the show's motto. Another reason why "The Finale" was a success was because of the multiple self-references and flashbacks to all of the terrible things the group had done to people they encountered throughout the seasons. This really added humor to the episode and made it relatable to the audience.

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