Saturday, April 19, 2008

#13 THIS is The End?

Seinfeld’s “The Finale” was a huge disappointment when compared to the series as a whole. Seinfeld was renown for breaking the mold and being original, but in “The Finale” basically all we see is an extended curtain call for the series many many memorable guests. Very little if anything presented here was original and by relying on these small-time characters to carry the series finale some would say they have let down their diehard fans! If we are able to ignore that then we are still let down by “The Finale’s” lack of just that, finality. The characters are left in exactly the same situations we saw them in during the very first show, for example the conversation concerning the second button on a shirt. Some would argue that it is these things that in actuality made Seinfeld’s “The Finale” a huge success. By bringing back all these small characters and the events they inspired we see exactly the kind of people the main characters are, in essence the reason we watched the show was that the characters had an eerie draw to themselves. It was almost like a car accident on TV, you didn’t “want” to watch but you couldn’t look away, just what would George(Jason Alexander) do next? In just under a decade they were able to show four people go full circle. Their endless nitpicking of the daily minutiae we call life actually had to start over; they’ve done it to death as Elaine would say…

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