Saturday, April 19, 2008

13: Is this the way its gonna end?

The final episode of Seinfeld (1989-1998) caused a big upheaval and split viewers down the middle to a good episode and a very poor one. I would have to agree with the poor episode viewers, as I did not like the end to the very successful run.

First, the shows format was different then they regularly were. Kramer and George's personalities were well exaggerated, and at first, very alarming to see them jump out of their skins so much.

Secondly, the show had music underlying most of it. This broke the traditional pattern, as they usually just had the electric bass and drum set. The underscore made the show seem very cheesy. It reminded me of the melodramatic TV shows.

Overall, Seinfeld has influenced my life. I find myself quoting it frequently and doing many of my daily routines in a very seinfeldian manner.

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