Tuesday, March 18, 2008

#9: Master of Your Domain

The episode "The Contest" won SEINFELD two Emmy awards because many men can relate to George in fear of their mother walking in on them. Not only that, but with SEINFELD being different from other sitcoms at that time the topic of masturbation reminded the audience how they will take it to the next level while making it funny, and memorable at the same time. Watching the characters go through the contest, and viewing the temptation grow made this episode hilarious to watch. Basically, such as contest is unthinkable, may be viewed as wrong, but funny to actually see people do it. Certain phrases that stood out as funny also impacted the audience which became mottos such as, "Are you the master of your domain?". "The Contest" seemed to have summed it all what SEINFELD wanted to bring across to the whole audience which is why it continues to be the must-see episode years later.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Elise--thanks for posting early. I appreciate it. With that said, here are a few suggestions for your writing, okay:

--First, your first few lines are really unnecessary, aren't they? Starting here--This episode won SEINFELD two Emmy awards because many men...--would work much better, don't you think?

--Second, this statement--Because SEINFELD was so different from other sitcoms at that time, the topic of masturbation reminded the audience how SEINFELD will take it to the next level while making it funny--seems to be your primary argument here. Can you frame the rest of your response around that? (I'm trying to get students to write tighter with these blogs, okay.) Thanks!