Saturday, March 22, 2008

#9: Are you still King of Your Castle?

In SEINFELD's "The Contest," the fab four set out on an what seems to be impossible contest to see who can survive the longest without masturbating. What seems to be an easy task turns out to be very daunting and all four of them have a hard time keeping up with the contest.

The elements of mise-en-scene were very notable in the episode. One thing that readily comes to mind, was when Kramer gives up, and loses the contest, he is wearing a yellow shirt. George, Elaine, and Sienfeld are all standing in a line, all wearing red. The costumer also separated Kramer from the others, by putting him in a different color.

The blocking also put divisions into who was still in the contest and who caved to thier human desires. After each day, we would see each actor in thier bed. The ones who were tossing and turning were still surviving the contest, while the ones sleeping peacefully had already caved, and were content in doing so.

There were many ways to talk about masturbation without using the word, therefore making this a really popular episode of SEINFELD to this day.

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