Saturday, March 22, 2008

#9 what master of their domain means?

“The Contest” is an episode of Seinfeld that was different than most of the episodes. Throughout the seasons Larry David clues us in about the four main characters sexual feelings, shown by the way things are supposed to be interpreted without really mentioning them in words. In this episode, the whole show is about their sexual feelings (masturbation) instead of just little tid bits. Although they didn’t ever mention the word masturbation, it was implied throughout the whole show with language, blocking and body language. It had all of the main characters relate to it, even with Elaine being a female; this showed that it was true that not only men thought about the subject. Also for the clues they used sneaky language such as: master of the domain instead of word masturbation. Not only was it for the language it was showed in the blocking with the naked women. It never showed you the picture of her but it was mentioned several times. At night body language was related by the characters sleeping. This is clever in the way it was filmed and showed and that’s why I think it still remains popular.

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