Saturday, March 22, 2008

# 9 Who is the master?

The episode “The contest” struck such a chord with viewers and critics because it dealt with masturbation which is not usually mention aloud even with around people. In this episode, four characters had contest who could abstain the longest from masturbating even include women, Elaine. This subject is not just made people shock about mentioning in the broadcasting but also interesting and funny. “The contest” showed that masturbation is not the shame thing but it is natural thing in the life. One more thing to make this episode interesting is that masturbation in not only adolescence but continuing to age 30’s, because people think that usually as people are getting old, they are not thinking about masturbating. The situation that Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine are single with age 30’s and they are satisfied with masturbating makes this episode funnier. Also they got easily stimulated with just seeing others who had sexual attractive even thought they don’t have any contact with others. The reason the episode “The contest” continues being popular these days that we are still dealing with the masturbation these days especially during adolescence. As Seinfeld combine game and masturbation, this episode became successful which got highest rating through time still today.

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