Saturday, March 22, 2008

#9; The Pleasure of Success

The topic of masturbation is considered taboo in our society, especially among adults. Such actions are considered an adolescent endeavor and are soon expected to dissolve with age. SEINFELD ingeniously takes the taboo topic and ejects it into an episode, which deals with adults.

In the episode “The Contest,” Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer all are part of a bet to see who can stay the longest without “pleasuring” themselves. Throughout the episode, each character struggles with the task: Jerry is dating a virgin, George and Kramer see a naked woman from Jerry’s apartment, and Elaine is taking aerobics with John F. Kennedy Jr. One by one each contestant drops out of the contest.

Not only is the episode hilarious, it is the forbidden topic of masturbation that makes it such a hit. The fact that SEINFELD devotes an entire episode to such a topic peaks the viewer’s interest and therefore allowed it to have such success.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Hi--thanks for your comments on "The Contest," but would you take a few minutes to sort out your argument a bit more (i.e., more clearly define ONE point) and then provide a couple of examples from the show to support your point? Thanks--I appreciate it!