Yes it is true that America has come a long way since the Civil War and Civil Rights movement, but despite that fact, some people do still have a problem with interracial relationships, and many people just feel uncomfortable addressing race at all. In "The Wizard" we see Elaine dating a new guy who she thinks could be black. She stereotypes him from the rap music she hears when she goes to his apartment and from the African tribal masks she sees on his wall. She finally comes to a conclusion that he is black (even though he is not) when they are eating at Monk's and he points out a couple staring at them because they have a problem with interracial relationships. Now Elaine is convinced that she is dating a black man (not that there's anything wrong with that), but little does she know, her boyfriend thinks he is dating a Mexican woman because Elaine would always take him to Mexican restaurants for dinner.
Throughout this episode we hear Elaine asking several people if they think her new boyfriend could be black and they answer "Does it matter?" and she replies, "I just want to know." I get the sense that she is covering up the fact that she actually could have a problem with being in a relationship with a black man by saying she "just wants to know." This also displays the fact that she could be uncomfortable dating a black man all together.
"The Wizard" also displays how badly the American society tries to be politically correct all the time. Neither Elaine or her boyfriend will ask each other if they really are a different race other than caucasian because it wouldn't be PC. Although we have become a country of mixed races, cultures, and identities, many people still find it hard to not stereotype those different things and be comfortable together in society.
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