Friday, March 7, 2008

#8 Race-Does it Matter?

Unfortunately for many race is the foundation for how they perceive others. Race can determine ones' attitude towards another, their speech, and even how they dress. Today in America we try to admit that we are no longer racist, and that the color of someone's skin does not influence our perceptions at all. Yet clearly this is not true.

The Democratic candidates for presidency, specifically Barack Obama, is a prime example of this. Simular to Elaine trying to uncover Darryl's race in "The Wizard," the "is he black" question has popped up in Obama's campaign. Despite the qualifications Obama brings to the table his color ("mixed" according to George) and last name will be a stopping point for some voters, a truth that is a "should we be talking about this" topic that will quickly be swept under the rug.

Although racism is still prevalent, the fact that Obama is even a candidate for presidency demonstrates how far the country has come from the days of slavery. Younger generations will soon overpower the old racist mindset, and hopefully a person's race will no longer be a factor of how others treat them.

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