Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#8 Is This Considered Racist?

Majority of Americans accept the fact that America is the home of many types race and religion. In order to live in some type of peace and harmony, some people try not to bring up the subject of race and/or religion to avoid any conflicts. SEINFELD on the other hand brings up these subjects and uses them for laughter. In "The Wizard," we notice that the subject of race is humorous because Elaine is unable to determine her boyfriend’s race, but there were a couple of accounts where after awhile it became uncomfortable to talk about. Why is this? Maybe because of the fact that it is wrong...or maybe because it was a bit racist...or maybe because it was once a huge issue in our U.S. history. SEINFELD defiantly shows how race can be "not right" to talk about to friends, family, or to a boyfriend/girlfriend because nobody wants to be considered a racist. A positive way to look at this is that people in America are trying to change...change for the better without the issue of race. This may be what SEINFELD is bringing across to the audience. Though we know that race and religion in America is a very sensitive subject that can be seen as something funny or easy to make a joke about, we must remind ourselves that it can be hurting someone.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Elise--you write, "SEINFELD defiantly shows how race can be 'not right' to talk about to friends, family, or to a boyfriend/girlfriend because nobody wants to be considered a racist." However, is there anything else, perhaps more positive, that the episode was attempting to do? Thanks.