Saturday, March 8, 2008

#8: America's Racial Spin Around

Throughout generations, people hear it all the time: America has come so far with prejiduce and segregation within our country. But is it really true? Of course, to some extent it is. Our country is not nearly as racist and divided as it was at one time in history, however we will never be able to have complete unity. Whether looked at as good or bad, race will always matter and there is no stepping over that. In "The Wizard", Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) thinks she might be in an interracial relationship and does everything to find out if the man she is dating is African American. She uses common stereotypes to assume the man is black; hearing rap music come from his apartment and him having African masks hanging on his wall. When she is in the coffee shop, she uses "African-American slang" with the waitress, saying, "It's okay, my boyfriends black". When finding out he is in fact white just like her, she is actually disappointed they are another boring couple. So even though there is not the racial divide there used to be in the past, there still is some effect (maybe a little positive effect) in our American culture still.
Another example of there being a positive racial divide in America is shown in the SEINFELD episode "The Chinese Woman", where Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) and Estelle (Estelle Harris) are both disappointed to find out a woman they thought was Asian, turns out to be a blonde-haired blue-eyed girl from Long Island.
Although there still is racial separation in America, it seemed to have taken a slightly turn for the better, and SEINFELD's episodes slip that message into our heads.

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