Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#8 Chinese Wisdom

Racial and ethnical stereotyping is easy to find in America and SEINFELD does an excellent job of portraying some of these stereotypes in “The Chinese Woman.” Jerry is excited after speaking with a woman on the phone because he is under the impression that she is Chinese solely because her last name is Chang. While on the phone with her, he sets up a blind date with her at a familiar Chinese restaurant. Elaine tries to point out Jerry’s ignorance but he comically refutes everything she says. SEINFELD is suggesting that many Americans can associate names or other traits with a certain race when in reality it may be absolutely false. Jerry, like many people, associates “Chang” with a Chinese person. Although many Chinese people may have this last name, it is not fair to jump to conclusions. SEINFELD’s message regarding race and other issues may be a common moral that everyone knows. Don’t judge a book by its cover. This can easily be applied to race and of course everyone that accepts these racial and ethnical stereotypes. I believe that the underlying message is simply that Americans, in general, submit to the limitless number of stereotypes and SEINFELD manages to find the humor in this.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Michael--what a nice statement you've made here: "SEINFELD is suggesting that many Americans can associate names or other traits with a certain race when in reality it may be absolutely false." Thanks.