Saturday, February 2, 2008

#4: Not That There's Anything Wrong With That

Some of the things that were so ground breaking about SEINFELD have become staples of the modern sitcom arsenal. DRAWN TOGETHER is a good example of a show that is heavily influenced by SEINFELD.

SEINFELD was careful to poke fun at everybody and make fun of PC'ness, a trait it shares with DRAWN TOGETHER. No topic is off limits and everyone shares in the dishing out and receiving of some pretty rough jokes. The main targets of their jokes are even very similar with the emphasis on race, religion, and sexuality. In fact of the main characters one is an extremely flamboyant homosexual, one is a in the closet bisexual, and the women openly engage in bisexual behavior as well.

The techniques from SCEINFELD have been lovingly caried over into DRAWN TOGETHER as well. DRAWN TOGETHER has adopted the self referential humor and ongoing jokes of its more tame predecessor well. DRAWN TOGETHER uses multiplicity in almost every episode.

DRAWN TOGETHER's cast is similar to SEINFELD's as well. Both are made up of characters who lie, cheat, steal, compete, and scheme. This was a break on the norm, which seemed to dictate a majority of the cast be "likeable" In the case of SEINFELD and DRAWN TOGETHER, the main characters are far from likeable. They are the people we love to hate.


Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks, Andrew; but shouldn't we rethink the characterization "a flaming homosexual," unless of course that is what the character is actually called.

Moreover, could you provide me with some SPECIFIC examples of the similarities between the shows, the referential humor you mention and/or the lying characters?

Andrew Fowler said...

The premise is that they are an animated reality show. They have made several jokes along the lines of "what kind of losers watches reality shows.." In "Requiem for a Reality Show" the cast lies to Clara about killing her woodland creatures for food, claiming they got it all because "meat blimp" crashed.

Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks for the response, Andrew. Your line "[it is] an animated reality show, [which makes] several jokes along the lines of 'what kind of losers [watch] reality shows,'" clarifies things a bit more for me. I appreciate it.

Your last example, however, is still unclear. What do you mean re: Clara and the woodland creatures? What is a "meat blimp"? And is this the ONLY example of lying in the show? Thanks!

Andrew Fowler said...

Clara is a spoof on the classic Disney princess. She sings a song and her woodland creatures come and frolic along-side her like in a disney movie. The meat blimp is just what is sounds like. When asked where they got the meat he thought quickly and "the meat blimp crashed" is the first thing that came to mind. This is just one example that came from a show I just happened to watch earlier in the day. The show is packed with lying, in essence every character is a George who lies and cheats trying to get ahead.

Kelli Marshall said...

Great, great. Thanks for the further explanation, Andrew!