Wednesday, January 30, 2008

#4: Sitcoms about Nothing

Seinfeld was very unique when it first came out because it essentially was a “show about nothing.” Recently, I have been watching episodes of The Office and what makes the show hilarious is the fact that it touches on the everyday minutiae of the work life. The Office revolves around a documentary crew filming the normal everyday interaction between employees working in an office. There are not significant plots to episodes in The Office, but rather the everyday situations in life that are also found in Seinfeld. Seinfeld is such a great hit because people can easily relate and find comedy in the everyday situations that are found in the episodes. I found “The Chinese Restaurant” to be hilarious because it really emphasizes the fact that people can get so frustrated and impatient with one another when they are hungry and waiting for a table at a restaurant. The episode “Healthcare," in The Office, brings up the issue of healthcare and how it angers the employees and makes them upset. It is entertaining to see how Michael (the boss) gives Dwight (an employee) the job of handling the issue of healthcare because he is afraid of upsetting his employees. Many people find comical relief in shows that bring up issues that society is currently dealing with.

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