Saturday, February 2, 2008

#4: Kissing Cousins?

I hate to come back and reference the show ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT two blogs in a row but after watching all 3 seasons of it in a little over a week along with SEINFELD it is just about one of the only shows on my mind. However while watching it I couldn’t help but find endless similarities both subtle and large. The most obvious of the similarities is the use of what Amy McWilliams calls intersection, this is displayed in just about every episode in fact it what creates most of the comedic affect on the show along with the awkward and socially unacceptable family members, much like those of SEINFELD.
Another great way to compare the two shows is how ridiculous the scenarios created in the show really are. It is a fact that the topics in SIENFELD are a little more realistic considering most of us are more likely to spend time waiting in a Chinese restaurant than travel to Iraq to save your magician brother or have your parents routinely try and stab you in the back but the uniqueness of the show and its characters and their actions like having two cousins have a slight love affair give the shows more similarities than you may think.


Kelli Marshall said...

Yes, Matt, you're absolutely right. There is a great deal of intersection in ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. Can you give me some specifics though? (e.g., the seal incident)

Kelli Marshall said...

Ahhh, I skimmed the conclusion of your post too quickly. I now see your examples (e.g., Iraq, kissing cousins). So please disregard my previous comments... Thanks!