Wednesday, March 26, 2008

#10 What T.V. shows demonstrate gay men?

Project Runway is a show about several contestants who compete to make the most unique and fashionable clothing design for each week’s theme. The contestants are all random people who have an exquisite talent for passion for fashion. It was noted that in season four it was the gayest television show ever aired. They concluded this because seven out of the eight contestants were gay. At the top of the article it was said that, “Considering they're fashion designers, the "gay" part wasn't really news, but the "out" part wasn't the kind of thing we'd have seen in a Pre-Queer Eye world.” The whole intro explains how it is really rare that straight men are fashion designers.

Another show that deals with the generalizations of gay men is Ugly Betty. It is a show about a girl who lacks appearance and social skills, one in which being fashion. On the show, the directors chose a male to help her out with her sense of fashion. In the show it is not mentioned whether or not he (Justin Suarez) is gay; however the show gives off that vibe by a male being knowledgeable in the fashion industry. A lot of the watchers commented on how the show should declare that he is straight, they said just because one is in fashion does not mean they have to be gay.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks for the early posting, AMJ. Could you revise and correcly punctuate the sitcom/show titles you mentioned? :-) I'd appreciate it!