Saturday, March 29, 2008

#10 Our Gay Media

Torchwood and Ugly Betty are two examples of somewhat popular shows that make reference to gay men. These two shows try to portray the message that there is nothing wrong with being gay and it is just a part of life. I believe that the media is trying to say that there is hardly a difference between people that are gay and those that are straight. It seems as if this matter is no longer a controversial issue as it was when Seinfeld was first on the air. Although I am not familiar with any shows that have strong gay or lesbian influences, the writers/editors of this site seem to feel that gays are misrepresented in the media. They feel as if the media reinforces the common negative stereotypes about gays and lesbians. The writers are suggesting in numerous articles that gay men in the media are no different than straight men and it should not be a big issue. Finally, gay representation in the media has changed dramatically over the past few decades and critics on this site are the first to cover the story.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks, Michael. What shows specifically do the writers of the website(s) mention? Which shows don't represent LBGT justly in other words? Thanks!