Saturday, March 29, 2008

#10 The Improvement of the Decade

Homosexuality has become more prevalent in today’s television and movies. People have become a little more accepting than they have been in the past especially with its display in the media. One particular show that I enjoy watching is Top Chef. It has been very interesting to watch season 4 which publicly displays three lesbian contestants. It doesn’t really affect the show to know that there are a couple lesbians as the chefs; after all it is a reality show just about cooking. However, it is public knowledge that two of the chefs have a past romantic history. Two of the chefs, Zoi Antonitsas and Lisa Fernandes, are long time partners which makes it even more interesting when they are competing for the title of “Top Chef”.

While Top Chef is one of the only television shows that I am familiar with that has lesbians, I know there are more out there. The website,, depicts many shows and articles containing lesbians on television. I feel that the writers of this website feel that lesbians can be sometimes be misrepresented in television but also they praise some shows for better portraying the lives of gays and lesbians. The writers of the website are most likely lesbian and they are conveying their feelings about which television shows stereotype them in the wrong way and which shows have really improved on representing the lesbians correctly. Overall, I think that lesbian and gay representation has vastly improved in the media in the past decade.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks, Catherine. Nice response...